If OpenSky is new to you, we definitely recommend checking them out. They carry some of the coolest and most unique products we’ve seen in a while!
Move over Target, because our latest shopping addiction is OpenSky. And, well, if you haven’t heard of them you’re about to send us a total thank-you muffin basket for the recommendation. We don’t want to oversell this, but OpenSky is, quite literally, the best online shopping site in the world with the coolest merch you never even knew you needed…until now.
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What Is It?
OpenSky has been around for some years now but, per usual, we’re late to the game. We actually first learned about them when we saw a friend share a post on Facebook with some of the coolest products we’ve seen in a while. It doesn’t hurt that their prices are pretty kick-ass too.
Sure they have some quirky AF stuff but, hey, we’re pretty quirky so it’s a total match made in shopping heaven. You may have actually been on their site and never even realized it if you saw their winter hat that has built-in bluetooth speakers in it so you can listen to your favorite song (and take and make calls) all while keeping your head warm. Or even their handheld portable mini air conditioner that, yes, is really a thing and, yes, it totally sold out.
Outside of our stalker-like obsession with them that, if we didn’t working here, we’d totally work there (sorry, Brostrick) they actually make the perfect place to do basically all of your Christmas shopping (all year round). We put them on the level of Firebox and you know how we feel about them. Swoon.
They really do have amazing gift options for the teen who has everything, excellent (and affordable) white elephant gift ideas, the perfect gifts for your annoying co-worker, and even something super fun for your true best friend(s). Oh, and did we mention their prices kinda can’t be beat? We love/are obsessed with clicking their “reveal price” button to see just how much we’re about to save.
So if we haven’t convinced you to check them out yet, well, then we failed. We’re total losers. And we regret our existence. Ok, fine, not that bad but still really check them out. You’ll be down that rabbit hole for, at least, 1 hour. Guaranteed. Treat yourself!
Are There Promo Codes or Coupons?
With prices like theirs, do you really think you need a promo code? Ok, so here’s the deal. How do we say this delicately? Hell to no. Nope. Uh-uh. No. Unfortunately, no, OpenSky does not give out coupons or promo codes to other websites and, nope, we don’t have them here either. You mad? But, here’s the light at the end of that terrible tunnel. They actually do have certain discount codes and the like for their customers. The hook? You have to shop over at their website. That’s right, leave ours and go there. We don’t take it personal. In the past we’ve seen offers where you could get 10% off just by subscribing to their texts. We love rando texts, so we were all in. And they have a more than extensive sale section. But, like we said, you gotta check it out over there to see any active offers they may have taking place (if at all). Check them out here!
In the meantime here are the quickest ways to see the latest and greatest promos from OpenSky in this Spring!!
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Promo Codes & Sales:
Promo Code Offers For Urban Outfitters
Discount Sales at Yeti
Coupons For PhoneSoap
Discount Code For Ruggable
Coupons Online at Minted
Promo Code For SundayScaries
Coupons at GiftTree
LovePop Promo Code & Coupon Offer