Ancestry covers everything from family trees and DNA to health kits. So whether you’re looking to find out exactly who you are, or are just looking to find out a little more about yourself, check out Ancestry today.
If you haven’t check out Ancestry in a while, now’s the perfect time to give them another look. They’ve come a long way from simply building your family tree (although that is still pretty amazing). Now they have a world famous DNA kit and even a must-try Health kit. It’s the rabbit hole you can’t wait to go down!
$50 Off
What Is It?
Ancestry has been around for quite some time. They’re really the pioneers in the online family history game. Years ago we gifted our dad their original membership so that he could track down his relatives, learn more about his past, and understand more about where he came from. Quite honestly, he loved it and it really was the easiest gift we ever gave.
While they still have that option (and you really should check it out) they’ve advanced into two newer areas that we (and pretty much everyone else) is obsessed with these days. We’re talking about the official AncestryDNA kit and the AncestryHealth kit. We won’t get into crazy details on each, but their at-home DNA kit makes it super easy to find out super interesting things like:
- Your origins and true ethnicity.
- Potential DNA matches from others (yes, really).
- Intriguing historical and geographical insights.
So, uh, me may have thought we were 95% Italian but, spoiler alert, we’re not. Mind blown! Oh, and it’s super easy to use. All you basically do it spit into the tube and mail it back with their pre-packaged label. Wait some weeks and, boom, you’ll get your results. We did it with a bunch of our closest friends all at the same time and then brought our results to dinner where we made it into a game and revealed our results. Probably one of our most fun dinners ever.
And now they even have the official AncestryHealth kit which, full disclosure, we haven’t tried yet. But two of our friends have and they love it. We’re not quite sure we’re ready to learn about our genetics in that way (we know, we’re lame) but for the millions who are this kit is supposed to be pretty amazing and it has all the features of their original DNA kit. So it’s kind of a 2-for-1.
Overall we totally love Ancestry. In fact we’ve added them into so many of our popular gift guides like: “The Perfect Parent Gifts When They’re Impossible to Shop For” and our “Gifts Even the Pickiest Mom Would Use” and, of course, “Unique Tech Gifts When They Already Have Everything.” Yes, we think of them as tech because, well, it’s all over our head. Needless to say, in each gift guide we’ve added them they instantly became some of our readers favorites. Oh, and you can order them on Amazon, but we recommend to shop direct on their own site because they have some different pricing options and even some discounts from time to time. But either way, you do you.
Are There Promo Codes or Coupons?
Ever since we’ve recommended them in a bunch of our buying guides, we get emails asking us if we have a discount code. Sadly, we don’t. But here’s the deal with all of that anyway. So, no, Ancestry doesn’t have coupons or promo code offers that they send out to websites. (Again, we don’t have them here either). When we’ve seen them listed on some of those other sites that have all sorts of code, um, none of them ever work. But maybe that’s just our crappy luck? Either way, the silver lining is that they actually do have some promo offers for their customers, but you have to check them out over on their site. We’ve seen free 14-day trial offers, discounts for AARP members and more. Again, check them out directly to see which offers (if any) they have going on today! See all offers here!
In the meantime here are the quickest ways to see the latest and greatest promos from Ancestry in this Spring!!
Low as $99
Low as $179
Low as $99
30% Off
$50 Off
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