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My Bourbon Thoughts: Buffalo Trace Single Oak Project

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Buffalo Trace Single Oak Project

The good folks at Buffalo Trace have been creating the Single Oak Project bourbon to better understand how 7 variables impact the taste of any given bourbon.

“It all started with 96 individually selected American oak trees that differed according to the number of growth rings per inch and growing location. Each tree was then cut into two parts – top and bottom – yielding 192 unique tree sections. A single barrel was constructed from each section. Prior to construction, the stave seasoning was varied. The 192 barrels were then charred differently. These single oak barrels were then filled with different recipe whiskeys, at various entry proofs and aged in a variety of different warehouse styles. This experiment allows whiskey connoisseurs to directly compare the impact of seven different critical variables across 192 bottles for a total of 1,396 taste combinations.  None of the 192 bottles in the complete set are exactly alike.”  Buffalo Trace

Buffalo Trace asks everyone to submit their tasting notes for each barrel to help them make a better product; thus it is my duty to taste this bourbon.  The nose has a wonderful sweet orange aroma.  The taste is incredibly smooth with honey, ginger and fruit with an incredibly smooth finish.  The little spice on the end allows a small amount of wood to show through.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the batch was a wheated bourbon recipe.

Go out today and taste the Single Oak Project bourbon and help the good cause.